Thursday, May 18, 2006

I don't know much ...

... but this is what life has taught me so far ...

Anything you are going through
good or bad
is temporary
so keep your eyes open
and breathe in the sun
while it warms your face
remembering that the next day
holds no promises

Happiness is a choice
we may not control
the world around us
but we rule our reactions to it

Strength is not always
a solitary thing
sometimes an outstretched hand
carries you further than
your own two feet

My great loves
have all been friends
that know my flaws the best
and whatever they see in me
is a reflection of my complete
adoration of them

Sadness may settle in my chest
on quiet nights
but I always wakeup lighter

Finding your talent
your inner beauty
gives you more self-worth
than any compliment ever will

So find out what you love
and do it
find out why you’re amazing
and be it
question yourself and
cut others some slack
you can only be responsible
for so much
let the rest go

Dance and be goofy
laugh at yourself
sing out loud
wherever you are

The hardest thing to do
is not settle
we are worth so much
than we know
hold onto that
through the loneliness
through the doubt
through the boredom
and thrive!

~ May 2006

1 comment:

Jon said...

Sorry to keep dropping in on your blog, but I enjoy what you write. We don't know each other (I found your blog from the random blog button), but your writings speak to me as if we did. I think I'll bookmark your page to see what you post from time to time.