Friday, May 12, 2006

Belief ... not the Gavin song

I have to believe
that the mistakes
I've made
weren't made in vein
I have to believe
that they won't
haunt me
and follow me around
like lost little ghost puppies

I have to believe
in fate
have to believe
in belief

I am just
a mass of chance
every choice made
every wrong turn
leading me in
so many different directions
each time deviating
further and further
from where I need
to be
from where I
should be

If I don't
believe in fate
then the sadness
of my past
will be reduced
to a coin toss

my personality
my smile
my suffering
my happiness
will all be the progeny
of coincidence

I have to believe
that I'm meant
to be here now
to be asking
these questions
to be floating
in the thick confusion
that I'm sometimes ensconced in

I have to believe
that there is an explanation
as elusive as it is
for the adulthood
I was thrown into
long before
I could see over the counter

I have to believe
that I'm falling
because I was meant to
not because there was
no one to catch me
when I lost my footing

these are the choices
we make
these are the things
that answer
the unanswerable questions
they give us an out
some reason for our distinct being
and I have to believe

~ September 2005

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