Friday, May 12, 2006

Damn Camp

Your facetious smile
and your cool shoes
your humor in general
and your jokes in particular
your way of cutting
people down to size
without them even realizing it
Will all be missed

There is no pretension
where you're concerned
and there is no need
for fake behavior
you tell it like it is
whatever it may be
and you are as real as anyone
can hope their friends to be
as real as your faults
and mishaps
and debacles
and we love you more for them

Your good heart
your loyalty
and familial feeding
your mad camping skillz
your penchant for beer,
good company, and a backyard
your expert one-handed "fersbee" throwing
and spastic soccer playing
Will all be missed

You have a childlike zest for life
that permeates you
and all those around you
your joy is contagious
and we're lucky to know you

Your entertaining accompaniment
to Kell's and Rock Bottom
and all the other joints in between
your story telling and presence
during a painful artistic experience
your small Raych ways
of showing you care (pat, pat)
are things to be cherished
and not taken for granted
your dependable driving
and epic message leaving
your dart throwing Chicago pose
and knowledge of all things OPB
Will all be missed

You are the best kind of friend
and fun
you brighten our days
and spice up our nightly conversations
you give without reservation
and expect nothing in return

You will be missed
because we love you
because you are a sister
because you are You!

~ September 2005

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