Sunday, July 30, 2006

This is how I roll

Dina, Kayla and I rode our bikes on Padden last night. It's a concrete path with some pretty vegetation on the side of a busy road - a glorified sidewalk really - but nice for bike riding and walking, if not a bit loud. So we ride about 4 miles, turn around at this intersection, and then ride back.

Kayla rides like she's drug smuggling and has the fuzz quick on her tail. You can try to keep up with her at first, but all of the sudden you look up and she's but a speck in the distance. I come trailing next, slow but steady like a normal - if not totally out of shape - bike rider. Then comes Dina la-la-la'ing her way along, smiling at the blueberries, and squirrel-watching like the zen bike rider that she is.

Needless to say, Kayla reaches each intersection first, then I come huffing along, and then Dina arrives all cheerful and we continue on. At the last intersection before the big turn-around-and-come-back, Kayla is waiting patiently (and a bit fervently if you ask me) as I roll up and try to do this almost-rear-end-her turn and stop maneuver. My foot gets caught (that's the official story, but really I think my leg was just too tired to move from the petal) and doesn't hit the pavement in time and I fall over on my side with my bike landing on top of me in a glorious thud. Not only is this hilarious to Kayla and I, but I also have an audience of about 8 or 10 cars that think my klutziness is entertaining and they proceed to point and laugh as well.

All in all, this was a valuable lesson. You're never to old to fall over and be laughed at, and it doesn't hurt at all. This allowed me the freedom to take my bike off some sweet jumps in Dina's neighborhood and not be afraid of biffing it .... again!

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