Sunday, July 09, 2006

Ordinary Angels

are a funny thing
some of them float
into your life
and settle
in your chest
as if filling
a spot created
just for them

if you're lucky
you get one of
these a lifetime

they are the family
you were
separated from
at birth
that you spend
your life
searching for
but don't know
you're missing
they are the people
you choose to love
and aren't tied to
through blood
or obligation
or marriage

they fill you up
and make you float
surrounding you
with love
so buoyant
that reality
as you know it
is changed
your existence is brighter
your laugh louder
your sadness less sharp

they are ordinary
walking beside you
in front of you
and behind you
acknowledging your needs
to lead
to follow
and to fall into step

they are the ones
that remind you
to be amazing
they make you want
to be better
to keep growing
hoping one day
to be for them
what they are to you
they make you feel
and cherished
while reminding
you to be
they keep you in check
with a grace that allows
you to take the
lesson for what it is
and they make you
feel like you're
than you are
so that you'll
do greater things

I do not
possess such
a wizardry with words
as to write a song
to sing their praises
but I will
lay my gratitude
at their feet
for the gifts
they continuously
give me
the gifts of
and belonging

Thank you

~ June 20, 2006

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