Friday, June 16, 2006


loving someone
is a beautiful thing

to want what’s best
for them
despite how much
it hurts you
is even more

how do you
honor yourself
when all
you want
is their time
their thoughts
their heart

it’s not real
it’s not what
you think
it should be
but you
can’t say no

I want you
to have everything
that you need
I want you to
get enough of
what you deserve
and I want you to
get some of
what you want
when it serves
you right

we are all
so much more worthy
than the lives we set up
and the paths we

settling is so much easier
than going after the dream
you know what
I’m talking about
the one thing
that despite
it’s elusion
and your persistent
sticks in your mind
and floats through
your thoughts
each time
you meet
someone new

don’t ever


for long

April 2006

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