Thursday, December 13, 2007


i'm looking at
an example of American "beauty"
on the cover of a magazine

no hips, big chest
impossibly flowy, shiny hair
in essence
she is a long, skinny box with boobs

when did we decide
that this was femininity?
that this was beauty?

i want no part of it

i like myself too much


i can't write
i have all these thoughts
swirling around in my head
that keep circling
like laundry in the spin cycle
until they all
get stuck together
and become
one mass of cognition
i can't individualize them
any longer
can't voice them
and certainly cannot
dress them up with interesting words
if they stay in there any longer
they'll start to smell moldy
and ripe
like when you forget
to throw the load in the dryer
and you have to rewash it
i'm just wasting water
and words