Thursday, February 15, 2007

someone asked me what i thought of dying ...

so I told them that dying
is reflected in how we live

I think we’re here to love

we enter the world
with a love so strong
it cannot be understood
until you stand on the other side of it

and we leave
with memories
of love so strong
the years lie flat to clear the view

we walk amongst
second-chances and forgiveness
pass by heartbreak
and family feuds
we see bad choices
made on the train home from school
and the foundation of a marriage
built on 5-hour drives to the country

what does any one person have
but those that love them?


do these things hold your hand
and whisper in your ear
when death is siphoning away your last breath?

I drove by the hospice house today
and remembered
life and death coexist there
in a weird continuum

I insist that life is about love
about building love
because I’ve see someone die
without it

Feb 2007