Monday, January 22, 2007


this is the bridge
of my reckoning

driving at this predawn hour
questions swirl
in my mind
taunting and unrelenting

what am i doing to myself


i know it will end badly
i can prophesize it
with astounding accuracy


still i find myself
on this bridge
after another
bad decision

february 2006

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Cinco mas ...

… let’s just drop the pretense and call this what it is. a continuation of reasons why I am amazed that I have any friends at all.

11) Instead of being morally opposed to the violence heralded by it, (which I am for the most part - it‘s one of my existential crises) I like watching football sometimes and pretend to know only enough about it to be able to talk shit and yell at the players from the 300 level seats at Qwest (where they can’t hear me) or from the couch (where they really can’t hear me).

12) I am a (really) big fan of the parenthesis, run-on sentences, and using “…” to emphasize what I’m saying … and have also been known to use so many smiley faces, you’d think I was constantly taking hits of nitro.

13) I get so stressed, cracked out, and low on sleep that I laugh really hard at dumb jokes and at my own, at the time, brilliant humor. (Unless Raych is telling the dumb joke, and then I always crack up. But that’s an entirely different blog topic, best to be covered at length another time.) For example, my new favorite Knock-Knock Joke had me putting my head down at my desk today from guffawing so hard (at work, of course).

14) I use entirely too many commas when writing. My motto is: when in doubt, throw in a comma!

15) I find that although I can play it cool in most situations and social interactions, my face betrays me every time. I cannot hide a damn thing when it comes to my feelings showing in my facial expressions. My defense mechanism for this is my “neutral, thoughtful” face that comes off looking confused and, at times, slightly constipated.

Sunday, January 07, 2007


i read recently
that friendships don’t work in a trio
i find this to be untrue

i have a few groups of great friends
that go naturally into this triangle
of solidarity and alliance
each of us bringing different angles
into the mix that enhance the whole
and illuminate our individual greatness

we push one another until
the proportions are evened out
and the lines drawn straighter
the corners, sharp at times, are inseparable
and the middle a basin of our
laughter, tears, and commonalities
with enough room to support
growth and shifting lives

i live in and among
these triangles
trying to fit
and trying not to get lost
in the geometry of it all
but can’t imagine a better place to disappear